Monday, April 16, 2007

A whole lotta nuthin...

This was an exchange I had with small man yesterday:

Him: Mummy, can I have....uhhhh...uhh...something?

Me: Uhhm, something like what? Something to eat, something to play with, something to drink? what kind of something?

Him: Uhhhmmm, I don't know...just something.

Me: Child, you want nothing, thats you're problem, you want nothing, steups...

Him: Yeah *smiling* I want nothing. Mummy can I have nothing please?

Me: *Laughing* You want nothing?

Him: Yes Mummy, please can I have nothing, please....

Poor fella, I thought he understood what nothing was, but I guess when you don't know what you want in the first place, nothing might really be the thing to have!


Anonymous said...

Very funny.
Sad to say I would have added "Something like licks?"
Terrible Mummy!!!

Skettleton said...

Well.....i leave out alot of my part of the conversation too So both of us are terrible mummys i guess.

JayJayGhatt said...

hilarious...i really wish they would sell "patience" in a pill or in injection...i'd take it even in its experimental stage!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Dey weird eh?