Monday, April 16, 2007


I don't know what I am going to do the day I have to go to the hospital because my child needs stitches.
They might need to sedate me and keep me over night because the one or two times we have had accidents or unfortunately had to go to the hospital have been, probably the most awful times of my life. Those first couple minutes when you don't know what is going on and you have no control are beyond words. Apparently...jokes on me because girls I hear, don't get in as much trouble and are not as adventurous. See girls tend to not take running leaps off the bed shouting Mummy look at me!! I'm Batman! Your heart drops to the bottom of your stomach those times but by the time you've turned around Batman has sailed to the ground and landed perfectly already. Or 'Supermayne' has lithely disembarked from the arm of the couch, or better yet the back of the couch. And when I say glide and land...I mean those words. He is always climbing off of something to jump. And really he's not a clumsy child, he's nimble and is pretty good at falling and getting right back up and continuing his run.

I do know that the couple times he's fallen hard enough to make him cry, I cried more than he did. I think my crying made him stop because he was like 'Aye...lady...MY head hurting? You bounce your head too or what?' Those were the times when his short life flashed before my eyes and I realized how tiny he was and how anything can hurt him. I realize that as strong as he seems and as own way as he is and rough and tumble as he carries himself that his limbs are a fraction of the size of mine and that even though he stands with arms akimbo like he's a little man, he is far from that. Those are the times I want to keep him home forever and not expose him to the wild, crazy universe out there. But those times quickly come to an end as he stops crying, takes the kiss to fix the booboo, removes himself from my hug and walks balancing with his arms out, up my leg and tries to climb over my neck. Because while I am there worrying about keeping him out of harms way all that makes sense to him is to try to make it over my neck.


JayJayGhatt said...

awwww. ((((hugs)))) hope he heals well and quickly. i certainly know your pain and anxiety...its a daily lifelong thing for us parents. *sigh* anxiety for life. what can we do? pray and be hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Girl, I don't envy you one bit. I good with my two girls and what exposure I've had to toddler boys assures me that they are COMPLETELY different. I have a girlfriend with 2 boys who has made several trips to the hospital emergency room, sapping up blood with a washrag on the way there all because one of them fell off/jumped/dove/flew/leapt/fell down/climbed/ran get the idea.

Skettleton said...

Well I have a post to do on Mount Hope hospital for the longest time now...

Luckily all of the falls have been blood less but one time I swore he got a concussion and was there trying to make him not fall asleep when really all the crying had just gotten him tired and he was sleepy. So poor child. I am there screaming and crying to not fall alseep and he just wanted to take a nap.

Anonymous said...

Twooweeks ago I went to a 7-year old's b'day party and the mom titled it:
"____ is turning 7 and we haven't had to take him to the hospital as yet"

She really believed she had reason to celebrate (and she did, that boy wild for days).

As a mother of 2 energetic boys I feel your angst.