Friday, March 16, 2007


Parrot/ Pirate/ Pie-rot - a bird, a man with a sword
1. Mummy I am a parrot, I have to find a treasizzle

CorePee - Picker Upper
1.Mummy is this Corepee?? when I give him chocolate Lasco

Bite - what the sun does when its very hot
1. Mummy the sun too bright and hot, it biting me

Sigot - a lapse in memory
1. Uh Oh I sigot to brush my teeth Mummy

Weighty - Traditional East Indian food
1. For Divali we went to our friend's house and had delicious weighty

- That which cures all, might as well be the cure for world peace
1. Your head hurting Mummy? I'll get you some keem!
2. I have a cut on my foot mummy, I need keem...

Norby - juice made from the bark of a tree also known as Mauby

Cute - A letter of the alphabet, also known as the letter Q

Napkin - what one does when one is tired, also known as a nap


JayJayGhatt said...

this is funny. baby jargon is so cute! i love "napkin" dat one crack me up!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! explain corpee though...

Skettleton said...

Well i was just as confused eh... My boy thought he had Coffee in his cup!

Anonymous said...

Dey too sweet oui!
Gosh! I'm sitting here trying to remember some of my 4 year old daughter's old baby words and I can't remember ANYTHING! *sob sob* They grow up so fast! I think I need to create a blog just to record the memories. DUH!

Skettleton said...

Well i too happy blogger emails my posts to me because knowing me i would not have saved them, blogger would have crashed and they would all be lost. Or i WOULD have saved them and lost them. So maybe one day i can go through my email and when i have enough print them all up and make myself a little book of it all!