Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ya Regresa...

This post is dedicated to all the shows we watch on the tube. See I know as a mummy I'm supposed to love all these characters on TV, they're cute right? No.

So first off Spanish lessons start on channel 41. This Channel is probably known as Discovery Kids in all English speaking countries, in Trinidad its known as Deescobery Keeds (stress on the 'co'). Here we have shows like Barney y sus Amigos and Jim de La Luna. Mind you, the show itself is in English, all the ads for the shows are in espanol. We get 'Ya regresa, Barney y sus amigos!'. Of course nice chile know it in Spanish. Lets talk about these shows shall we:

Caillou pronounced Cahyou (animated)
I don't know why his parents gave him that name, it sounds like food. He has a big head and he's really whiny. The story books we have on Callilou are always something Callilou's afraid of...the dark, monsters etc. I have another word to use for whiny but since I'm trying to keep this blog readable by all we will use the nicer word. I'm not sure if I want a child like Callilou.

Jim De La Luna(puppets/animated??)
, I mean Jim of the Moon...actually i have no idea what is the english name for this show, it name Jim de la luna to me.
He is some man who lives in a space station on the moon with his friends and they have adventures.

Pinky Dinky Doo
Pinky climbs into a big box and makes up stories for her little brother. I like Pinky, she's pink. She also finds a 'big' word every day and creates a story around the word. So one day she made up a story on what 'unflappable' means. I like that. And the song is cute too...'Pinky's really good at making up stories and every story rocks!'

Barney (big purple puppet thing)

I refuse to watch this. Barney is annoying. *ok ok Iwatch it sometimes, barney paints and makes puppet animals out of brown paper bags, thats cool stuff I guess*

Lazy Town(real grown ppl with puppets)
One time I told JD that grampa went in 'town' he ask me if grampa went to 'Lazy town'. I wanted to say 'he may as well' but i said no Port of Spain.
Lazy town is about this little girl who moves to lazy town where all the children eat snacks all day and they're lazy. There is this evil man who tries to perpetuate the laziness then there is Sporticus, some kinda super hero guy who comes from outta space and always excercising. I think Sporticus is gay, which is fine and all. This show taught my child how to do one arm push ups and crunches. He's very good, better than I

Pokoyo (animated)

Pokoyo is a little boy who doesn't speak. He has a friend who's an elephant who doesn't speak either. The only person who speaks is the narrator who tells us everything Pokoyo is doing and asks the viewer questions.

The Backyardigans (animated)

This one is about 4/5 animals, a hippo a penguin and some others with names like Natasha and Ethan. So i'm guessing each animal is supposed to be a specific race. They live in houses like all regular animals do (?) and have families, the show is about when they go in the yard to play and the stories they make up. The theme song for this one is really catchy but can get annoying if you have a really bad headache.

I can't remember anything else from Discobery Keeds but I'll add them if i do.

The other thing we watch are videotapes...yes I know its 2007. I dug up some tapes and dusted off a vcr and pull out The Wiggles video.
It was meant to give him something to do while I worked. The first time it worked. The second time it worked even better, the third time he wanted me to dance and sing the 'sound'. Now I am looking for a place to hide the Wiggles video tape because I have to dance and sing every song. I have to dance to the pony 'sound' and the Captain FeatherSword 'sound'. I have to dance and make all the animal sounds. I no longer like the Wiggles. The wiggles also introduced some new behavior. So this past weekend he called me from his father's, however my son was not on the other line, there was a ducky there. And this ducky could only speak in duck. So the ducky said 'quack, hello, quack'. When i asked what you doing he said 'Quack, nothing, quack'. Then his father in an attempt to convince me that he had nothing to do with it went on to explain to me that he was forced to read a story in ducky. Clearly your 3yr old put a water gun to your head and forced you to read the story in ducky right? So we know who encourage that one right there. Apparently Snoop Dog appeared on the Wiggles one time as well because Jades told me he was a parrot (he meant to say pirate but they mean the same to him) and that he was going to look for a treasizzle, which was either a cross between a puzzle and a treasure OR he was hanging with Snoop D. O double Gizzle.


Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

I LOVE Backyardigans and I a not ashamed to admit it.. Uniqua is my fave character and I LOVE when they talk and speak in Spanish (though I cannot speak Spanisg myself) it just sounds so much nicer than English :D

Skettleton said...

aye aye, look somebody leave a comment. I am mad you watch backyardigans and I am mad you know the name of the characters. What kinda name is Uniqua?!lol

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

Uniqua is a "unique" character, she is the one that is pink with spots and you cannot tell what she really is; the others are a hippo, a penguin and a moose lol!

Skettleton said...

I will have to watch more closely then...but i guess i was right about them trying to be 'diverse'

JayJayGhatt said...

i went to school in DC and there were quite a few "uniquas" but they call ed them other names shante, shaniqua, katina, laquita. i like uniqua too. she reminds me of my grade school peeps. (snicker) ferreal.

Anonymous said...

liking your blog. When we in T'dad for carnival my 4 year old discovered discovery kids (no pun intended), and everytime my mom left the room he turned to watch 'his' shows.
When we got back he would tak to me in 'Spanish' (incomprehensible words followed by "aqui discovery kids". Last week when my cleaning lady came (Bolivian) he started talking to her and my husband in Spanish, my husband kept asking him what he said, so I asked my son to tell Daddy what he's doing, and he explained he was talking Spanish. They both had a good laugh. Poor baby.

How could you not like Backyardigans, I like it a lot. I swear the producer is black b/c those dance moves are so urban and hip, especially the 'cowboy' episode. And the name are not Natasha and Ethan, they're Tasha (the hippo), Austin (the pink male thing), Uniqua (the pink spotted female thing), Tyrone (the moose), and Pablo (the penguin).
I know, TMI. I have no sane reason to know all this, but w/ 2 young ones it's hard not to see a show or two here and there.
Also the one hour of TV I let them watch I try to always watch it w/ them.

Skettleton said...

Thanks Natasha C...See how I am the bad mommy, I had no idea what their names were...and yes the producer has to be someone of colour...Tyrone? LOL I don't dislike the backyardigans...the only episode i've really watched was the one when natasha was the princess and was trying to get them all to do her The song though...after a hard much as i like it...whooo boy!

JJ I had them too...I went to school with a girl called Furkita. Furkita I say yuh know! I had a friend called Shanita...i wish i could remember the other names because I am sure there were more Uniquas.

JayJayGhatt said...

Furkita, that's nothing, how about Itryesha...yup...I-try-esha. She was in my sister's class. MammyNice(andnotsonice)Chile is a cutie too btw!

Skettleton said...

JJ you win. Itryesha? Where is this child's godparents and why didn't they say something?

And thank you I would like to believe he looks like his mummy *pats self on back*

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

hehe well I am the only non mommy in here who looks at this show and those names are hilarious :D

Skettleton said...

Keep watching

Anonymous said...


If yuh only does know HOW I does sing hard hard and high like Fireball to the Caillou theme show song. I too love de cat. He always does get lost and Caillou does make us search for the tail to find him. As for the epsiode in which he threw ah tantrum, well harumph!

I'm no mum, but I've got ah 4 yr ole nephew who demands that I call him promptly every Sat. morning to sing the theme song of "That's So Raven" with him:
"If you could see into the future..
That's soooo Raven...Yes. That's me!"

Well, now de chile decide to tell meh to hold orn and then put meh pon speaker.....I just hear he bawling out how he's got an icebox whey he heart used tuh be...Well dais fassness allyuh I dunno what tuh say. Cuz' ah hang up de phone...Ah did well and disgusted. Meh face did dey like so.. :o. Juss so. :o

But these shows are nice, yes!

Skettleton said...

Ooohhhh how i love comments. Dolli you are making me very happy today.

Well the next one buss out in 'Yuh know ah get wet...' One day. Lord alone knows what wet he was talking about. I can only hope he spill water on himself. But then i remembered we used to sing bout 'I remember de congo man, ah wish ah was he ah woulda shake he hand...never eat a white meat' and we used to sing it loud because we didn't know better. My nephew has been brushing up on his dancehall...'Girl, ah got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm...' :O :O

These shows are definitely not Sesame Street. As nice as they are they are so frightening because times have changed so much from when we were little. Now they have to create a show to tell kids they need to eat properly. When all we knew was eating what mummy/ granny put in front yuh or else. And all of us sit by the table long long time in front the remnants of some carilee or beets or cressle. The options then were eat or eat. And TV options...what is that? The other day they talking about they bored so we ask them if it is they really want to know what bored means. Bored is what we used to be before cable and video games. Bored was reading books and liming outside picking leaves for no reason other than yuh have nothing better to do. Dem doh know what bored is...steups.