Monday, March 19, 2007

No what?

Excuse me this fine morning while I go collect my finest rustiest barrels and longest pieces of plywood and old buss up tires because I have a major road to go and block with my debris. Steupppssssssss

Now yesterday we realize the pipes and dem coughing we say 'Excuse me Mr pipe? Whats the problem'. Pipe say 'No water ma'am'. Check de tank, no water!!! Tank dry. Why you ask because we live nice yesterday morning, we had bubble baths, we washed loads and loads of clothes all using the tank water because we didn't know that WASA was about to cut de damn water and never bring it back....EVER.

I not sure if I mad at WASA or if I am more mad with my family who just chilling, 'It will come back' they say 'Well surely everyone else have no water' they say. And I say 'When will it come back and because everybody else have no water this makes it better!'. 'So go by Aunty around the corner and bathe'...I say 'No'. Why must I cart my towel by somebody else house to bathe?

Now I get it, now I get why those ppl who go without water for weeks at a time block the roads. Now I understand the anger and the frustration because I have been without water for less then 24 hours and I am steaming, I past steaming. I am calling alllllll the numbers WASA leave on the bill because I need water and I need it now. And all who say I being uppity because I have no water for a few hours can all kiss my dirty a$$. I hate being unable to wash my hands or sitting by the outside pipe for an hour to get a third of a bucket of water with which to wash my hands. Look I seeing ah old bed post there, I think I will use that to help block de road too...I gone...

***Update: I hear dat man go outside and suddenly I hearing gushing water. How bout some random somebody decide to come in the yard (I guess yesterday) and turn off our water that comes in from the main line. I guess ha ha jokes on us, see how long it will take us to figure it out. This is after I done rough up the WASA girl on the phone eh. Now I have to call her back. But I think i still going to block up de road for all those ppl who don't have water today and haven't had any for 2 weeks.


JayJayGhatt said...

funny you post this. i just went 1 1/2 days with no phone. even call, cuss the phone company for telling me they will send someone between the hours of 8am and 5pm to come see about the problem. what?

then hubby come home after 4 days away and the phone miraculously start to work again! i wonder if some jumbie mess with my line like the one who cut your main line. things that make you go "hmmmmm"

Skettleton said...

I know, I am so accustomed to mediocrity i call WASA one time and it wasn't even their fault. I thought the same thing about the Jumbies though, I say is a jumbie decide to Rah! us